Perfect reactors understand that the best time to deal with problems is not necessarily at the moment the situation raises its ugly head. Most of us never get to any sort of resolve from our conflicts, because the only time we deal with problems is in the heat of the situation, which is almost always the wrong time. We go from one level of emotional escalation to another, and problems don't get resolved in those times. We don't think very clearly when we're screaming.
What is the desired goal? To properly deal with and resolve the problem so it doesn't keep popping up again. Instead, most of us battle the same problems over and over again, with no real lasting resolve. We do what we can to bring calm to the present and get out of the tension, but that is no resolve at all.
The best resolve comes from a perfect reaction in the present and setting a future time to deal with the problem when people are at their best or at least outside of the immediate emotional upheaval. This takes a great amount of discipline, but it is possible more often than you might think. You can build this into your life and make a world of difference in how you approach resolving conflict.
Do you think you can try this? Next time you find yourself in an problem situation, try and meet it with a calm response. Acknowledge that the problem is having a negative effect on all involved. Set up a meeting around the dinner table or in the conference room to address it where each person can have their say. This will allow some time to pass, so when the problem is addressed, it won't be in the heat of the moment. Have people bring notes if they want to, and then together try and decide a course of action that can be agreed on to bring about resolve.
We've used this approach in our own family. It has worked for me in the business environment as well. People want to be heard. Many problems can be solved if you control your knee-jerk reactions and stop the situation from escalating, then guide people into a time for discussing the problem with cooler heads at a later time.
Mull this over and give me your thoughts. I'll contunue with more on Wednesday.