Hubby Speaks

Friday, November 11, 2005


To Jamie, the Love of My Life.

Happy 22nd Anniversary

She's Intelligent.
She's Caring.
She's Passionate.
She's A Great Mother.
She's A Great Wife.
She Challenges Me.
She’s Patient with Me.
She Supports Me.
She's Funny.
She’s Sexy.
She's Beautiful.

I Love You Very Much!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


One Day Two People Did the Same Old Thing, But One Of Them Did It Differently

I'm reading a book entitled "I'm Right, You're Wrong. Now What?" It's a book about direct and effective ways to settle disputes without fighting, folding or fleeing. Even if the other person does not cooperate you can improve the tone of your disagreement, sort out what you want or need most and come up with practical action plans that lead to a satisfactory outcome. The approach begins with the answers to these six questions.

1. What are my negative feelings?
2. What's the fairest way to describe the problem?
3. Why do I want to work things out?
4. How would I like things between us to be?
5. How can I actually get that?
6. And if that doesn't work, what else can I do?

Think of a problem you are having with another person at this time. If you apply these questions to your thought process, does it help you? Can you think of any better questions to ask?


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