We are predisposed to react in certain ways. Call it
our knee-jerk reactions. Some of us are predisposed to
offer grace to people in larger doses and more often
than others. Our reactions to others are colored by how
we view the world. For instance, if I am somebody who
constantly lives in the grey areas, who looks at rules as
suggestions, I will be more likely to understand when
someone else breaks or bends a rule. But, if I am a
highly disciplined individual who follows the rules,
then I have little room for people who skirt around
them as though they don't really matter.
Those who are more at ease with breaking the rules are
less likely to throw the book at people who deserve it.
This predisposition is a strength and a weakness, just as
the predisposition of those who are rules oriented is a
strength and weakness (They never miss a chance to
throw the book at people).
Understanding where you are allows you to get out
of your own way and balance your reactions.
Do you have the tendency to easily dismiss people's
lack of following procedures? You should be aware
that you downplay attitudes or actions that might
eventually bring harm to your family or business. By
interrupting your knee-jerk reaction towards "letting
things go all the time," you can move to more of a
balanced reaction that says, "I need to hold people
accountable for their actions."
Do you have the tendency to jump down people's
throats when they bend or break the rules? You
should be aware that you may be reacting before
listening to what they have to say. They may have
a valid reason for what they did. Interrupt your
knee-jerk reaction of "attacking all who veer
from procedure" and move towards a balance
that says, "Ease into holding people accountable
until I know all the facts."
What is your predisposition?