Hubby Speaks
Friday, October 14, 2005
When one person reacts to another, something takes
place that sets a course for your future together.
Whether it is only a future that consists of the next
few minutes, or it is one of years, our reactions
determine how that future unfolds. One of the ironies
surrounding reactions and communication is that even
though we do it every day of our lives, most of us
never improve or become more effective.
Our communication skills are weak, and our reactions
and responses to those around us are far from skilled.
We find it difficult to relate to those we love as
well as those we don't.
After observing and living with the results of my
reactions (good and bad) and counseling hundreds of
other people about theirs, I am convinced that very
few of us navigate the reactionary road with
consistent success.
Within the walls of our homes, the sting, anguish and
loneliness caused by poor reactions makes the home
become the eye of the storm instead of a shelter from
the storm.
I will be writing about reactions over the next
several days and how to move towards developing
"Perfect Reactions." Is it possible 100% of the time?
No way. Is it possible to improve your percentages
from where they are now? Absolutely! So, pull up a
chair, let's have a talk about the damage caused by
overreacting and underreacting.
With Passion and Purpose,